Dunbar Tree Service was founded in 2022 and is a year-round tree service operating in Waukesha and Milwaukee counties. With a wide array of services, both residential and commercial, Dunbar Tree Service is focused on delivering exceptional tree care. Our expert tree services include tree removal, tree trimming, stump removal, storm damage clean-up, and more. Contact us today!
Chris Dunbar
Phone | 262-271-0189
Email | trees@dunbartreeservice.com
Chris Dunbar is an ISA certified arborist, ISA #WI-1163A, working in the industry since 1999. Chris specializes in a wide range of residential and commercial tree services, where he is dedicated to maintaining a safe and professional environment. With over 20 years of working in southeast Wisconsin, he brings a high level of expertise to every project.
Additionally, Chris is licensed and certified for the application of pesticides, fungicides, and insecticides by the State of Wisconsin Department of Agriculture, Trade and Consumer Protection.
In order to obtain and keep an ISA Certified Arborist certification, the following needs to be done:
Any business or individual looking for pesticide application certification and licensing through the DATCP (Wisconsin Department of Agriculture, Trade and Consumer Protection) must do the following:
The Bureau of Agrichemical Management regulates manufacturing, sale, and use of pesticides in Wisconsin.
The bureau certifies pesticide applicators after they pass examinations, which then makes them eligible for licensing. The bureau also licenses businesses and registers pesticide products.
Pesticides include any substance labeled for controlling pests, including:
The Bureau also operates the Landscape Pesticide Notification Registry; administers agrichemical storage and spill laws; and enforces the Worker Protection Standard and other pesticide, feed, and fertilizer laws.